Literature of the month of November

2016/11/07 - Gaëlle

Once a month we will offer you a book and tea to enjoy.


Today, we have found a book by Patrice Godin; you have enjoyed these acting skills in TV series: The 7th Round, Destinies, The Godmother, as well as in Blue Moon. He has just published his first novel: "Boxing the night".


The story takes place on a beach in Port Savage, Maine, where two characters meet: Nick, a worn-out boxer, broken by life, and Isabelle, a wounded woman who is going through a period of questioning. In the space of a few days, these two beings that everything separates will learn to live and to love.

To give you some mouth watering, here is a small excerpt: "Just three days ago, they did not know each other, they had never even seen each other, they were perfect strangers. another, and the chances that they will cross each other, that their lives will come into contact one day, were minute, almost nil, in the absolute, and yet. "

Devour this book, with a delicious cup of tea from Earl Gray by Marie-Antoinette from Comuno-t. This meeting of two great classics that have marked history unfolds its intense aromatic bouquet of jasmine and bergamot, enhances the sweet scent of the rose.

Earl Gray Marie-Antoinette

This book has been published by our partner: Groupe Québécor Media Book

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