All about pu'erh tea

2019/06/13 - Gaëlle


One day, an article on a tea! Today we are going to talk about pu'erh tea, this tea is not the best known of all but it really deserves to be!

Find in this article everything you need to know about this tea, origin, virtues and benefits, preparation ...

Origin of pu'erh tea

** Pu-erh tea ** is native to China, especially the city of Pu'er, part of YunNan Da Ye Zhong province in China.

This small town in China used to use this tea as a bargaining chip. The tea was compressed to facilitate transportation to Tibet. The peculiarity of this tea is that it improves with time as good wine! The older it is, the more the taste will be pronounced, it can however be consumed young or old.

Characteristics of pu'erh tea

Pu-erh is tea from big leaf tea trees. These trees grow in 3 regions:

  • Pu'er
  • Lincang
  • Xishaungbanna

There are two types of great products of the Pu-erh family:

Unfermented Pu-erh (Cheng Cha) : These are the same roots but this one is prepared with young shoots. The leaves will eventually undergo a natural fermentation called post fermentation, it is done in the wild.
Fermented Pu-erh (Shu Cha): These are ripe leaves. They are fermented naturally and undergo even more fermentation during their natural transformation under natural conditions.
Due to its particular roasting, the caffeine content decreases, and this is essential to maintain the quality of the leaves.

What are the benefits of pu'erh tea?

Like other tea, pu'erh tea has many health benefits.
Among the known virtues we find:

Fight against indigestion
Help with weight loss
Helps reduce bad cholesterol
Allows to improve the blood circulation;
A detoxifies the body
Boost the immune system
Stimulates the metabolism of the liver
Helps reduce risks of cardiovascular disease
Reduce stress

Preparing pu'erh tea?

The preparation of this tea is very easy:

Infuse your pu'erh in water at 95 ° C for 4 to 5 minutes. If the water is not hot enough the leaves will not release all their aroma, then you will let it infuse a long time more your tea will be robust and full-bodied!

À la découverte du thé

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