La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

The little story of Golden Fruit and its retail brand Patience Fruit & Co


You've loved just like us, those delicious cranberries sweetened with apple juice, and you want to know a little more. Here is the story of this delicious product and this innovative company.

Patience Fruit & Co wanted to give us the crudest and juiciest cranberry available, so they created whole, juicy dried cranberries. Dried to a minimum to preserve their softness, they provide an incomparable experience in the mouth.

These whole juicy cranberries are so succulent that they won the honors at the beginning of June 2016 of the Canadian Grand Prix of New Products! Congratulations to Patience Fruit & Co.

Founded in 2000, Fruit d'Or is quickly becoming the largest producer and processor of organic cranberries in the world. Known for its cranberry whole and organic cranberry, a cranberry from a process that is unique, their business is distinguished by their desire to share with all a slow grown organic cranberry, without fertilizers or chemical pesticides. At Fruit d'Or, they value life and that is why they favor the organic sector. In addition, their pressing process is longer and is unique, which allows them to better preserve the integrity of their fruits, which are also larger, more soft, more juicy and higher quality. In 2015, Fruit d'Or launched its new retail brand called Patience Fruit & Co. It is 100% organic and perfectly reflects their vision and values ​​which are, among others, entrepreneurship, ingenuity authenticity and respect.

Discover the tea box : Hello Flowers


I like you a tea, very, fervently, in the madness....

With this new theme, T.Surprise invites you in a profusion of tenderness, in a delicate and refreshing symphony. At the heart of our selection of teas and incredibly fruity, flowery and greedy infusions skipped an attractive surprise to welcome your thoughts... This cubicle will be your rejuvenation treatment: it is one concentrated by well-being, by sweetness, and by escape for your Tea Time.


  • 15g of White Rose tea from Japan from teataxi
  • Citrus Rooibos from La Route des Comptoirs
  • Pu'erh from La Route des Comptoirs
  • 15g of Oolong Tea Si Ji Chun from Maison de thé Cha Yi
  • 15g Earl Grey of Marie-Antoinette from Comuno-t
  • 3g of Love me Tender from Zyo
  • 3g of Summer Breeze Zyo
  • Dried cranberry with apple juice from Patience Fruit & Co
  • A small book

You love this box, you can get it!!!!


Box de thé de juin : Plaisir Gourmand


En chacun de nous sommeille une ou un petit gourmand épanoui et souriant qui sirote son thé en se léchant les babines. Craquez sur notre sélection de thé et infusions étonnantes et détonantes.

Vous recevrez un assortiment de 4 à 5 variétés de thés, une surprise culinaire, et un accessoire à déguster et à partager (ou pas).

La recette du mois : Granola à la noix de coco et thé


Ce mois-ci nous nous sommes laissés inspirer par le délicieux thé Un nuit à Rio de Communo-t.
Ses saveurs de noix de coco et d’ananas nous ont transportées vers un mélange de granola fait d’huile de coco, miel et graine de chia !

Une recette toute simple à réaliser, mais dangereusement addictive. (Vous aurez été prévenus.)

½ tasse de flocons d’avoine
½ tasse de flocons d’avoine à cuisson rapide
1 c. à table d’huile de coco
1 c. à table de miel ou de sirop d’érable
2 c. à table de thé Une nuit à Rio
1 c. à thé de graines de chia
Une pincée de sel

Dans un bol, mélanger des ingrédients secs et dans un autre, mélanger les ingrédients liquides. Puis, les incorporer aux ingrédients secs.
Sur une plaque à biscuit, étendre le mélange de granola sur une feuille de papier parchemin.
Dans un four préchauffé à 325F, mettre la plaque au durant 20-30 minutes et remuer aux 10 minutes. Retirer du four à l’obtention d’un granola également doré.
Laisser refroidir complètement et savourer.


Discover the tea box : A Sweet Ride


And if we could stop time? Forget the office, children,
the phone... and give yourself 10 min just for you. Imagine: a ride
through a forest, with relaxing aromas, intoxicating scents. Here is a
selection that will restore you the peach!


Discover our tasting menu!

Green tea bud of jasmine Tea Taxi
Organic Licorice & Rosemary tea Destination Bio
2008 Jingmai Chen Xiang - Shu Cha Yi
Parasol Of paper Comuno-t
Infusion organic Verveine Tea - Zen Naturela
Strawberry Jam Jar and Plum
Passoire en bambou


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