La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

DIY: Unusual ideas to make with tea

We drink tea, eat or cold, we eat tea in our recipes sweet or salty, but did you know that it’s also possible to use it in various ways?

As great tea lovers why not take full advantage of all that it can bring?

Ready? Discover 3 original tips to do at home!

Dye clothes with tea

Do you know the trick of dyeing clothes with tea? Black tea has strong coloring powers,look at the bottom of your cup of tea!

To dye his clothes nothing more simple. Depending on the clothe to be dyed I recommend using at least 1L of water. Boil the water and add between 3 and 5 tea bags (preferably black). Let infuse between 15 and 30 minutes.

Once well brewed, add your clothes and let soak until the color is the desired one.

You can rinse and dry! The tea dye is very resistant and withstands a lot of washes!

Eco-friendly, easy and fast, we love it!

Natural tea tanning

Same principle as for clothes! Tea has great colorant power! If you want a sun-soaked complexion without going through the uv box, self-tanning shower or other bronzing creams, opt for tea!

Infuse 2-3 tea bags in hot water for 15-30 minutes (the color of the tea will be darker for the result will be pronounced).

Cool the water for several hours, even days. Apply infused tea to areas of your body to tan with a cotton pad, dry well and apply a second coat if necessary.

The self-tanning effect of tea is of course not permanent and will fade from the first or second shower! But why not enjoy a nice tan (natural) for a day or evening?

Anti-puffiness and dark circles thanks to tea

Pockets and dark circles under the eyes are your nightmare? Creams take time to act when you would like a quick visible result? Apply tea bags directly to your dark circles.

Brew the tea in cold water, add a few ice cubes. Take them out after a few minutes and apply them directly to your pockets / dark circles. Leave a few minutes and you're done. Use white / clear tea preferably to avoid coloring your skin.

J’aime la galette ! Savez-vous comment ? Au thé matcha !


Bon c’est vrai, le jour officiel de la galette des rois est dépassé de seulement quelques jours mais il n’est jamais trop tard pour en déguster, vous ne pensez pas ?

Notre équipe de gourmand vous propose une recette gourmande et originale pour régaler famille et amis : une galette des rois au thé matcha ! Vous aimez ? nous on adore !

Ingrédients pour la galette au thé matcha

Pour la décoration

-20 framboises fraiches ou décongelées
-1 jaune d’oeuf
-1 cuillère à soupe de lait
-Une fève
-125 g de beurre mou

Pour la pâte d'amande :

-3 œufs
-125 g de poudre d'amandes
-125 g de sucre
-3 cuillères à café de thé matcha
-2 rouleaux de pâte feuilletée ou de la pate feuilletée maison

Préparation de la galette au thé matcha

Afin que la pâte soit bien crémeuse, travaillez la avec une fourchette.
Mélangez la poudre d’amandes et le sucre afin d’obtenir un mélange homogène. Ajoutez les oeufs l'extrait d'amandes amères et l'eau de fleur d'oranger et le thé matcha puis mélangez le tout. Mettez votre préparation au frais afin qu’elle soit bien ferme pour être répartie. Préparez le mélange lait jaune d’oeuf.

En attendant, n’oubliez pas de démarrer votre four à 350F.
Sur votre plaque de cuisson, disposez la première pâte feuilletée. Badigeonnez son pourtour avec le mélange oeuf-lait.
Répartissez ensuite la crème d'amandes et déposez une fève en l'enfonçant légèrement.
Posez ensuite le second disque, lissez afin de faire sortir l'air.
Faites une légère entaille au milieu afin que la galette ne gonfle pas trop. Faites des petites entailles sur le pourtour pour la décoration.
Décorez le dessus de votre galette comme bon vous semble, soyez original !
Dorez la surface avec le mélange jaune d'oeuf/lait et mettez au frais pendant 30 minutes.
Enfin, mettez au four pendant environ 25 minutes, votre galette des rois au thé matcha doit être bien dorée !

Sortez du four, laissez reposer, disposez les framboises et surtout dégustez :)

Head in the stars


Take off eminent, destination the stars! T.Surprise offers a lunar selection. Sit comfortably in our rocket, we will make you travel through the constellations.

My detox day after holidays


The holiday season, the time of the hearty meals, chocolates ... Have you enjoyed these magical moments, have you eaten well? Ate too much ? Opt for a detox day before the last big meal of 2017: New Year's Day!

Give your body a break!

First of all, you need to know that the idea of ​​a detox day is not to starve on the contrary, the goal is to avoid throwing on the entirety of his fridge the next day! A detox day aims to give some rest "digestive" to his body. Your stomach, your liver, worked at full speed during the holidays, it's your turn to pamper them! Today we accompany you in your day detox - smoothies with vegetables and fresh fruits.

Purpose of a detox:

-Remove toxins from your body (not just those accumulated during Christmas)
-Rehydrate the body
-Regain energy
-Improve the complexion
-Booster the immune defenses

Foods to eliminate and favor for a detox day

For this detox day, try not to do sports demanding too much energy to the body like boxing, athletics, bet more on a yoga class, pilates ...

Which foods eliminate / avoid the day of your detox?

-Sugar, prepared and refined products
-Viandes and dairy products
-Soda, coffee, sweet drinks
-Saturated fats
-Starchy foods
-The alcohol

Which foods to focus on?

-Water, green tea, herbal teas
-Fresh fruits and vegetables
-The condiments: use condiments to cook and give flavor to your food. Coriander and parsley help detoxify the liver

During your detox day, do not forget to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked, be careful not to overcook them to avoid losing vitamins and minerals. Finally, rest, or practice a gentle physical activity!

My detox day

Start the day by drinking hot water with squeezed lemon juice to help with digestion and detoxification. The detox program consists of 5 smoothies made from fresh fruits and vegetables.

1. Smoothie boost (mix the following ingredients), for a vitamin C explosion!

-1 white grapefruit
-1 granny smith apple
-2 kale cabbage handles
-5 mint leaves
-Add 100ml of filtered water

2. Avocado Smoothie Rich in Vitamins K, C, B and E

-1 lawyer
-Lime juice
-2 sprigs of parsley
-1 granny smith apple
-5 mint leaves
-½ cucumber
-1 small bunch of white grapes
-300 ml filtered water

3.Broccoli-Watermelon Smoothie Rich in Vitamins

-4 branches of broccoli
-250g of watermelon
-3 radishes
-100ml of coconut milk

4. Green Smoothie Good for the Brain

-1 teaspoons spirulina powder
-2 spinach handles
-1 granny smith apple
-½ cucumber
-4 sprigs of parsley
-100 ml filtered water

5. Comforting and stimulating Milk Smoothie

-100g of cashew nuts
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
-2 medjool dates
-1 teaspoon agave syrup

Don’t forget to drink all day long!

Finally, the most important thing is to listen to your body, if you feel the need to eat during the day, do not hesitate, just avoid throwing yourself on a fried burger!

Hoping that you enjoyed this program!

Le royaume de Noël


La magie de Noël scintille! Un doux moment de partage! Retrouvez les trésors de Noël, un mélange de saveurs : épices, cannelle, orange… Nous vous proposons un moment unique aux délices hivernales.

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