La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

Gaëlle discovers the tea the first time


"Discover a cloud of flavors ... That's what happened to me on a hot summer's night as I jumped together in my twenties. Invited by my lover's parents for an evening meal, the discussion is lively. As usual, everyone discusses and exposes their point of view. The atmosphere is light. Once again, his mother offers me a cup of tea to close the meal. Reflexively, I'm about to refuse and then change my mind and finally accept his offer. "I'm fine. This will be my second cup of tea for life. The first, a mint tea drunk after a trip to the Moroccan desert, did not particularly please me. The teapot is placed on the table. Yellow. The smell of tea that infuses is nice. A slight scent of rose floats. The taste will be the ally of the smell. I hope so. I am served. The cup and saucer are matched and drawn from the collection of a great-grandmother of British origin. I taste. First of all, lip service. A green tea with intoxicating pink that manages to make me smile. I enjoy this tender moment and let myself be rocked by the discussions. Today, I'm rocking you. "

Good tea!


When Marie-France goes to discover the tea


"To discover the tea ... That's what happened to me on a winter afternoon when I was seven years old. Buried and forced to pajamas and cuddly toys, my grandmother brings me a cup of Orange Pekoe tea with a hint of honey. Astonished, I first check that the flowery porcelain cup is good for me. "Yes, my grandmother confirms, it will do you good. As she said true! Here I am regarded as a great. I enjoy tea as a nectar previously forbidden. I like the taste. His warmth comforts me. Besides, my sore throat seems to be submitting to the superiority of my hot drink. I am well, relaxed and happy to access this little luxury. This moment is engraved forever in my memory. The rest is woven of exploration and discovery. Tea, as a second nature, accompanies me from morning to evening, on a trip, week or weekend, alone or with friends. Today, it is with you that I share it. Good tea! "


Like a bouquet of flowers


Offering flowers or receiving them, summer splashes us with its vibrant colors, the wind is warm, the smell of earth and budding flowers carries us. A keyword: rainbow.

Big changes for 2018


Hello to you dear friends of T∙SURPRISE,

I introduce myself, Gaëlle Klein, entrepreneur mother, globe-trotter to the insatiable curiosity and captivated by the electronic commerce. It is with this passion in my heart that I embarked on the adventure of T∙SURPRISE 2 years ago.

Today, I am satisfied when I prepare hundreds of tea sets for you. I often imagine you during the maneuver. You who are excited about receiving your box and who have marked the calendar so as not to miss the mail. You, too, who had forgotten this subscription and who discover it as an unexpected gift on D-Day. You who have offered it to a loved one and who can not wait for them to receive the package to share its content with you. You who have been subscribed since the first day and inspire us month after month ... You are so precious to me, did you know?

If I take the time to write to you, it is because many of you wait for your monthly box and that since a few weeks, our team works very hard to be at the height of your waitings and to continue to surprise you. Thus, I associated myself with another entrepreneur mom also fervent discoveries: Marie-France Gaumont. With her passion for travel, tableware and communications, Marie-France will add a magical touch to our team. Between us, we are committed to creating unexpected moments and allowing you to dive into the universe of tea.

During this turn undertaken by T∙SURPRISE, you will be regularly solicited to give us your opinion and your appreciation. Be part of our community of followers by sharing your experience as often as possible.

Looking forward to reading you soon.


Sous ses regards tendres


Avez-vous remarqué la lueur du soleil levant de nos matins de printemps? Et ces bourgeons déjà plus dodus, ces jours maintenant plus longs et toutes ces petites pousses qui se bousculent pour s’abreuver de lumière, vous les voyez aussi? Si vous êtes comme moi, vous êtes reconnaissants pour ces merveilles de la saison nouvelle. En savourant la sélection de thés du coffret Sous ses regards tendres, vous découvrirez l’éclat des yeux d’une maman attendrie devant une telle promesse de renouveau.

  • Une sélection de 4 à 5 vérités de thés et infusions
  • Une dégustation culinaire
  • Une surprise

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