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La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

Drink tea during pregnancy, good or bad idea?


No matter the season of the year, tea is savored, hot or cold, black, green or white, we love it in all its forms! Particularly moisturizing, tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and includes many other virtues.

For more information about tea benefits, read our previous post « The benefits of Matcha tea ».

Finally, to disentangle the truth from the false, read our post on the 5 received ideas about tea!

Here is an article dedicated to future mothers ☺

As you already know, during pregnancy many drinks and foods are banned or discouraged. Unfortunately teas are part of the food to be consumed in moderation to avoid certain deficiencies such as iron.

Tea during pregnancy, good or bad idea ?

Tea contains caffeine, which decreases the absorption of non-heme iron (of vegetable origin). Tea, (just like coffee) is an existing one, it's not totally forbidden to consume it ,simply, it's advisable not to exceed 300mg per day.

Green tea, consumed in large quantities, could reduce the absorption of folate (folic acid) in the body. So this one is to reduce to the maximum during the pregnancy not to impair the development of the baby.


  • A cup of black tea (about 250ml of water) contains about 50 mg of theine
  • A cup of green tea contains about 30 mg of theine

Iron requirements are essential for pregnant women, particularly for the transport of oxygen.

Tea consumption during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it's preferable to consume tea without theine such as red tea or herbal teas (check composition and contraindications). However, if you can not do without a good cup of tea, be sure to consume it outside meals to not limit the absorption of iron, consume at least 1 hour before or after the meal (in reasonable quantity) .

For women who don't consume meat (vegetarian) it's important to follow this recommendation because the lack of iron can be even more important because of the lack of iron from animal proteins.

Limit the negative effects of iron deficiency during pregnancy

Vitamin C is an excellent alternative for increasing the absorption of non-heme iron. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are good for you and your baby!

For tea addicts, you can consume a small cup of tea with a drop of milk and lemon (containing vitamin C).

Finally, avoid adding too many sugars in your tea that has consequences on weight gain

Did you know?

Many brands of tea now offer tea ranges for pregnant women, you can especially find in organic grocery stores, pharmacies ... Be careful! It's better to always seek the advice of a professional not to take Risks!

Une édition multi-vitaminée


Quel meilleur mois que juin pour commencer à explorer l'univers du thé! Préparez-vous à une joyeuse et malicieuse invitation à croquer des fruits et à savourer la vie! Ce coffret de thé acidulée, croquante et craquante est idéale pour un été fruité, multi-vitaminé et coloré!

Tea from starter to dessert

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We love tea in all its forms! Cook for yourself, your friends or your lover a meal composed of tea from the starter to the dessert!

Discover our favorite recipes for the delight of your taste buds!

1. The starter / Cucumber cold soup with green tea mint

This fresh and tasty starter is very simple to make and will surprise the gourmands!


• 3 mint tea bags
• 4 tsps of Japanese pearl or tapioca
• 1 cucumber
• About fifteen fresh mint leaves
• 2 plain yogurts
• 1 spoonful of olive oil
• A pinch of salt and pepper
• A zest of lemon


• Bring ¾ liter of water to a boil, infuse the bags
• Add the Japanese pearls in the infusion, brew 15 minutes
• Peel cucumber
• Add the mint leaves
• Combine infusion, cucumber, mint and lemon zest


2. The dish / Salmon with its green tea sauce


• 1 salmon fillet with skin
• 50cl of fish stock
• 1 tsp green Matcha powdered tea
• 40 cl sour cream
• 2 tsps lemon juice
• 5 tsps sesame seeds
• Salt pepper


• Place the fish in a saucepan and reduce to about 1 tsp of liquid.
• Remove pan from fire
• Add liquid cream and tea.
• Return to the heat and reduce by half.
• Add the lemon juice.
• Preheat the oven (350F)
• Place the salmon in a dish (skin side up and bake)
• Cook 8 minutes, leaving oven door ajar.
• Serve salmon and brush with sauce


3. Dessert / Fondant with chocolate, dates and green tea

Finish with a chocolate sweetness that you will not forget! This delicious chocolate fondant is quick and easy to make!


• 250 g black chocolate with pastry
• 200 g butter
• 4 eggs
• 100 g icing sugar
• 60 g flour
• 40 g of green tea powder
• 100 g of dates


• Preheat oven th 6 (350 ° F).
• Pit the dates and cut them into small dice.
• Melt chocolate and butter
• Cut ginger and candied cherries into small pieces.
• Add the icing sugar and then the flour in the butter and chocolate, mixing well until a smooth paste is obtained.
• Then add the eggs one by one and then the green tea
• Butter a pan and pour the dough.
• Cook for 25 minutes.


5 received ideas about tea!

The tea arouses many received ideas and curiosity! Benefits, virtues, contraindications, how it’s possible to know the truth from the false? Find in this article 5 received ideas on tea! If you are interested in this topic, read our article about green tea and its benefits!

1. Tea doesn’t contain caffeine

FALSE! Tea contains caffeine just like coffee, it’s a stimulant of the nervous system, so it can be responsible for an excitement. On the other hand, tea contains less caffeine than the coffee itself, and releases caffeine / theine slower in the body. So it’s for this reason that it’s better to consume herbal tea before going to bed. Avoid tea which could be the cause of difficulty falling asleep. Of course, each person being different, it’s up to you to listen to your body!

2. Tea helps to lose weight

TRUE AND FALSE! Tea itself doesn’t make to lose weight but it’s a drink particularly adapted for diets. Without calories (without adding milk / sugar / honey / maple) it’s an ideal drink, comforting and perfect to cut a desire to nibble. Also, the theine stimulates the body and the nervous system, and can help decrease appetite, and dissolve fat through its lipolytic effect. It’s not necessary to consume 10 cups of tea a day!

3. Green tea has better health benefits than black tea

TRUE ! When preparing green tea, the enzyme responsible for oxidation is neutralized. Green tea keeps a larger share of antioxidants than black tea. Indeed, the long preservation and the subtle taste of black tea is due to its complete oxidation! However, beyond this aspect, black tea is just as delicious as green tea, just a matter of taste :)

4. Tea is calming

TRUE! We have previously seen that tea contains caffeine, and, therefore, is a stimulant! So can it be stimulating and calming at the same time? The answer is yes ! An amino acid present in tea called "theanine" can fight anxiety and provide a real sense of well-being! Are we testing?

5. Dark tea is stronger

FALSE ! The color of the tea is not representative of its strength (in theine and in flavor) a black tea can be softer than a green tea. What matters is the infusion time. The more infused the tea, the more it will develop astringency. And what were your thoughts about tea?

Bienfaits et vertus du thé Matcha

Le thé Matcha fait beaucoup parlé de lui pour ses bienfaits et vertus mais connaissez-vous réellement ce thé ?

Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons cet article afin de vous éclairer sur le sujet ! Apprenez-en davantage sur ce qu’est le thé Matcha, ses origines, ses bienfaits sur la santé et ou le trouver…

Le thé matcha : c’est quoi ?

Le thé matcha est originaire du Japon, il s’agit d’un thé vert produit avec des feuilles du théier Camelia Sinensis. Le thé matcha a l’a particularité d’être très finement moulu, afin d’en obtenir une poudre verte.

Il existe de nombreuses manières de cultiver et traiter les feuilles de thé vert, pourtant certaines peuvent avoir un impact négatif sur la qualité du thé.

Actuellement, même s’il devient plus facile de se procurer du thé Matcha, attention à sa qualité ! En effet, seule “une élite” japonaise de cultivateurs de thé est capable de produire du thé matcha d’une extrême qualité.

La plantation du thé Matcha :

La culture du thé Matcha est bien différente de celle des autres thés. En effet, les plantations sont recouvertes de toiles sombres 4 semaines avant la récolte, ce qui les protègent du soleil (90% de lumière du soleil en moins).

Pour compenser ce manque de soleil, les théiers produisent plus de chlorophylle et les feuilles plus d’acides aminés.

Cela permet ainsi d’obtenir un thé vert vif ou goût sucré et original !

Ce thé, d’une grande qualité, était réservé à l’empereur et son élite. Par la suite ce thé fut apporté aux bouddhistes par les chinois. Les bouddhistes ont fait de ce thé un “remède” pour prolonger l’espérance de vie, et est devenu le thé de méditation des samouraïs. La cérémonie du thé s’est développée à partir de ce jour au Japon.

Aujourd’hui, cette boisson est très prisée et nous sommes très nombreux à en consommer quotidiennement, mais connaissez-vous ses vertus ?

Bienfaits et vertus du thé Matcha :

Le thé Matcha est considéré comme un “super-aliment”, riche en vitamines A, C et E, il dispose de qualité nutritionnelles exceptionnelles :

  • Stimulant
  • Revigorant
  • Calmant
  • Il renforce le système digestif
  • Lutte contre le cholestérol
  • Prévient le cancer
  • Améliore la santé de la peau

Toutefois, le thé Matcha ne se consomme pas tous les jours ! En effet, afin d’éviter les surdosages en vitamines A, C, et E optez pour 2 à 3 tasses par semaine.

Préparation d’un thé Matcha :

  • Verser quelques grammes de poudre de matcha dans un bol ou une tasse
  • Verser l’eau bouillante
  • Mélanger le tout à l’aide d’un fouet spécial à thé matcha

Ou trouver du thé matcha ?

Le thé matcha se trouve généralement dans les épiceries japonaises. Il est également possible de s’en procurer sur le web.

Parmi nos préférés :

Les thés matcha certifiées biologiques de chez Zyo
Les thés matcha de chez Cha YI
Les thés matcha de chez My Cup of Tea
Les thés matcha de chez Camelia Sinensis

Enfin, le thé matcha est également un ingrédient de choix à intégrer dans vos recettes saines ! Nous vous proposerons d’ailleurs très bientôt un article sur les recettes à base de thé matcha !

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