All about green mate
Today in this article, we present a tea that we like very much: The green mate. Just like white, green or red black tea, green mate is a tea with many virtues that is highly appreciated for its powerful taste!
Origin of mate green
The maté is from South America and was consumed by Amerindian populations. The plant, verba mate is a leaf belonging to the family of holly.
Green Mate Virtues
De part sa grande concentration en cafeine, le maté est excellent pour lutter contre la fatigue ! Ce stimulant naturel améliore la vigilance et les performances physiques et intellectuelles. Le maté est aussi un puissant antioxydant grâce à sa haute teneur en polyphénols. Il est aussi une source de nombreuses autres vitamines comme les vitamines A, C, E, B1, B2 mais aussi en fer, magnésium, calcium…
Due to its high concentration of caffeine, mate is excellent for fighting fatigue! This natural stimulant improves vigilance and physical and intellectual performance. Mate is also a powerful antioxidant thanks to its high content of polyphenols. It is also a source of many other vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 but also iron, magnesium, calcium ...
Among the other virtues of green mate, we can cite:
- Fight against cardiovascular diseases
- Effective against headaches
- Reduces cholesterol
- Slimming ally
- Moisturizing
Preparation of mate
Maté has no particular characteristics as to its preparation! Indeed, it's enough to infuse 1 or 2g of leaves in boiling water. Be careful not to consume more than three cups per day because of its high caffeine concentration! Finally, it's preferable to consume it during the day, prefer the herbal teas in the evening ☺