Tea in the box

We write about tea, recipes, design and entrepreneurship

Matcha-glazed mochis recipe

Have you succumbed to the new trend of summer 2021? The mochis! They are available at will, for all tastes and are easy to make. Since we are foodies, we couldn't resist offering you a tasty recipe for matcha-glazed mochis.


What is mochi?

Mochi is a traditional Japanese dessert which means “rice cake”. Mochi is a glutinous, filled rice preparation, usually made from ice cream, but mochi can also be salted, for example stuffed with red bean paste.

Mochi are very popular in Japan, China, Taiwan and have gained popularity all over the planet.

Preparation of glazed matcha mochis

Ingredients for the mochis dough

1 cup of glutinous rice flour
1 C. matcha
¼ cup of sugar
1 cup of water

Ingredients for the matcha ice cream

4 tbsp. tablespoon of matcha
1 pinch of vanilla
¼ cup of sugar
1 C. cornstarch
200 ml of milk (animal or vegetable)
200 ml of liquid cream

Preparation of the matcha ice cream

In a saucepan, over an off heat, add the milk, cornstarch, vanilla powder, matcha and powdered sugar. Mix everything.

Once mixed, put on a medium heat and stir until the mixture thickens. Once the mixture thickens, add the liquid cream, stir and leave on medium heat.

Leave to cool and pour into a glass dish. Place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Preparation of the mochis dough

Combine the rice flour and sugar, then add the water. Cover with cling film and put in the microwave for 1 min. Take out of the microwave, mix well and put back for a minute.

On baking paper, sprinkle with cornstarch, then roll out your dough so that it is 0.5 cm. Place in the refrigerator for 20 min.

Take out of the refrigerator and cut out circles of about 10 cm. Fill with matcha ice cream or another ice cream of your choice.

Place the mochis in the freezer. Take out the mochis 5 minutes before tasting so that they are soft.

Good tasting!
Bonne dégustation!

Apricot jam and vanilla tea recipe


Here is a new summer recipe that will appeal to all gourmands, ideal for breakfast or snack!

There is no time to savor a good homemade jam. Today we offer you a vanilla tea apricot jam recipe.

The recipe, step by step h2> Apricots, summer fruits par excellence are found everywhere in our local markets. For jam, we advise you to use biological apricots, without pesticides. Also, it will be very important to wash them carefully before starting the recipe.

Ingredients h3>![apricots.jpg](https://tsurprise.s3.amazonaws.com/blog/abricots.jpg)For 4 to 5 jam jars:For the recipe of the tea pear jam:1 kg of apricots250 g sugar1 lemon2 c. vanilla tea soup1 vanilla pod

Preparation h3>![Jam-apricots-tea.jpg](https://tsurprise.s3.amazonaws.com/blog/confit-abricots-tea.jpg)Wash the apricots thoroughly, then cut them into small quarters. Arrange the apricots in a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar, add the vanilla clove, lemon juice and let rest one hour.During the rest time, boil the water and add vanilla tea. Let infuse 5 to 10 minutes. Pour the hot tea directly on the mixture after the rest time.Put everything in a saucepan or cauldron with jam and wear boil, let boil 15 to 20 minutes. Stir the mixture well while cooking and check the jam holding. If it is too liquid, still prolong cooking.Once the jam is as you wish, pour it into the pots. It is important to pour it again hot. Close the lids and then turn the pots until they are completely cold.

Fresh mocktail recipe for summer

You know our passion for iced teas, granita and mocktails! In summer, what could be better than a refreshing and delicious drink. Today we offer you a tea-based citrus mocktail (alcohol-free cocktails) recipe, a staple of your summer dinners!

Citrus and thyme mocktails

Citrus, tea, a touch of thyme, the perfect recipe for a successful summer mocktail, here is the recipe.


The ingredients

Preparation of thyme syrup:
1 cup of water
½ cup of sugar
3-4 sprigs of fresh thyme
For the citrus and thyme mocktail:
1 cup of the thyme syrup (you can use a little more)
The juice of 2 fresh grapefruit
700 ml of tea or citrus infusion (lemon or grapefruit depending on your taste)


For the thyme syrup:
Pour the water and sugar into a small saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Remove from the heat and add the sprigs of thyme.
Let it steep for about 30 minutes.
For the Grapefruit Mocktail with Thyme:
Mix the thyme syrup, grapefruit juice and tea or herbal tea in a pitcher or in glasses with ice cubes
Garnish the glasses with sprigs of fresh thyme and a slice of grapefruit,

Get our box of the month: like a mocktail

Our monthly box set contains everything you need to make a delicious tea-based mocktail.

With family or friends (depending on current health measures), share a moment, mocktail in hand, guacamole in the other ... the secret of a good evening!

Our box is available until July 14th, don't miss out https://tsurprise.com/subscriptions


Gift ideas for fathers day

Father's Day is fast approaching, add June 20 to your calendars! Are you running out of gift ideas this year (again)? Don't worry, here is a little list that will help you find the perfect gift for your dads!

A tea box!

Give a gift that lasts over time: our tea set specially designed for dads! This box contains 4 varieties of teas, a delicacy and also a surprise so that the tasting is up to their expert palate! An ideal gift for the best dad in the world!

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And if you wish, you can add a gift card for a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription, for a Father's Day that lasts even longer! https://tsurprise.com/products/coffret-the-papa

A cocktail kit

The summer who doesn't like to enjoy a good cocktail or a mocktail? For successful cocktails, nothing better than using delicious syrups!

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This little kit will fully meet the expectations of the most daring https://34oztonicmaison.com/fr/produits/fiche/kit-cocktail-deluxe/

A candy kit

For dads with a sweet tooth, there's nothing like receiving these delicious buckets of candy from Kandju!

A multitude of choices and flavors are available! Lollipops, jujubes, chocolate… you will inevitably find the perfect combination for your dads!

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Care for the beard

For bearded dads, bet on care products for the beard, a safe bet! The Groom brand offers a wide range of products: facials, beards, hair ... it's up to you to choose what will please your dad the most!

Plus, get 15% off Father's Day gift boxes, [take advantage (] https://lesindustriesgroom.com/collections/coffrets-cadeau)!

A beautiful poster

What if you offered a nice poster? Nature, travel, photography, abstract ... Opposite Wall offers a large number of posters for all tastes. Go check it out!

Thé et personnalité: quel thé êtes-vous?

Et si vous choisissiez votre thé en fonction de votre personnalité? En fonction de votre caractère ou bien simplement de votre humeur du jour, vous pourriez avoir des envies variées.

Il existe de nombreuses sortes de thé et d'infusions aux multiples saveurs, bienfaits et vertus.


Aujourd’hui nous allons encore plus loin, et vous donnons quelques conseils pour sélectionner votre thé en fonction de votre personnalité!

D’ailleurs, si vous souhaitez connaître les différences entre les sortes de thé vert, noir ou blanc, lisez notre article!

Pour les personnes stressées et anxieuses

Si vous êtes plutôt du genre stressé, anxieux… nous vous conseillons de privilégier les thés faibles en théine comme le thé blanc, le thé Pu erh ou encore un thé vert Hojicha.
Vous pourriez également opter pour des tisanes à la lavande, à la rose, ou des plantes comme la camomille, la verveine ou encore le tilleul.
Consommez une ou deux tasses par jour en savourant le moment et en prenant le temps de vous relaxer.

Pour les sportifs

Pour les sportifs, boire du thé est particulièrement intéressant pour maximiser ses efforts et aider à la récupération. Le thé est un excellent stimulant naturel du fait de sa grande concentration en caféine. Il vous apporte l’énergie nécessaire pour assurer une séance de sport. Pour en savoir plus, lisez notre précédent article sur le thé et le sport.

Les thés à favoriser:

Le thé vert et le thé noir avant et pendant une séance de sport: ils vous apporteront l’énergie nécessaire lors d’entrainement intensif et permettent d’augmenter l’hormone de la motivation
Le thé blanc et le rooibos après une séance: ces thés vous aideront à récupérer tout en douceur.

Pour les gourmands

Pour les gourmands, vous avez de la chance il existe de nombreux thés et infusions qui pourraient vous correspondre! Vous devriez trouver votre bonheur parmi les thés noirs, les thés verts et les thés aromatisés: cannelle, chai, chocolat, espresso, vanille française… Bref, il existe un très grand choix de saveurs et ce, pour tous les goûts!


Pour les personnes en manque d’énergie

Vous manquez d’énergie en ce moment? Misez sur le thé vert! Votre meilleur allié pour retrouver votre énergie! Particulièrement riche en vitamines C et contenant un taux élevé de théine. Le thé vert peut avoir des effets bénéfiques sur la fatigue chronique. Consommez deux tasses de thé vert par jour pour en voir les effets à court terme.

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