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Tea in the box

We write about tea, recipes, design and entrepreneurship

Herbal teas for better sleep

Do you want to fall asleep more easily without going through medication? Plants are your allies to help you fall asleep in a completely natural way. Find in this article the main plants that you can use in infusion, in the evening when you go to bed.



Chamomile is full of incredible virtues: helps digestion, strengthens the immune system, relieves sore throats, reduces anxiety and above all it promotes sleep.

Its relaxing action provides a real feeling of well-being and appeasement, which helps promote sleep.

Have a cup of one hour before going to bed.


Verbena is also one of the plants that have a beneficial effect on falling asleep. Indeed, it acts mainly on stress and anxiety and brings calm, appeasement and fullness allowing you to fall asleep more quickly.


This plant is not well known but has benefits against nocturnal awakenings. It will help you fall into a deep sleep for the whole night.
Native to the United States, it has garbaergic properties. It is also very rich in alkaloids, which gives it an analgesic action and can help reduce minor ailments.

To prepare: Put 15 g of aerial parts of California poppy, 15 g of aerial parts of passionflower and 15 g of hawthorn flowers in a liter of simmering water. Leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 2 cups at the end of the day for 3 weeks.


Lavender is one of the star plants for reducing stress and anxiety and bringing calm and zen. Consume it in the evening to relax and get a good night's sleep. You can also diffuse it around the house with an essential oil diffuser for even more results.
To learn more about lavender tea, click here.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is the plant of stressed out adults and adults alike who need simple, natural remedies to reduce their daily anxiety and find sleep more easily.

Can we combine the different plants for more efficiency?


YES! First of all, know that there is no contraindication to consuming several herbal teas from different plants. The important thing is not to over-consume them, everything is in moderation.

If you suffer from several ailments such as difficulty falling asleep and you suffer from anxiety, then you could drink lavender herbal tea (for stress) combined with chamomile or verbena herbal tea to promote sleep.

Drink a maximum of 2-3 cups per day. In addition, be careful not to consume tea before bedtime, as tea containing theine may cause more sleep disturbances.

Remplacer le café par du thé

Vous songez à arrêter le café ou du moins réduire votre consommation pour différentes raisons: santé, bien-être, performance physique ou mentale? Peu importe la raison, nous vous proposons aujourd’hui des alternatives en fonction des moments de la journée.

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Au déjeuner

Le matin au réveil, nous sommes très nombreux à démarrer la journée avec un “bon café”. Commencer la journée avec un café est comme un rituel, celui qui va nous réveiller et nous faire passer une bonne journée. Mais saviez-vous que le thé est tout à fait capable de faire la même chose… en mieux.
Le matin, misez sur un thé vert! Particulièrement riche en théine, il vous donnera un vrai coup de boost et vous aidera à vous réveiller tout en hydratant votre corps après une bonne nuit de sommeil. De plus, le thé vert est excellent pour la santé, il est riche en antioxydant, permettrait de réduire les maladies cardiovasculaires, certains certains, et préviendrait le vieillissement cutané. Bref les qualités sont nombreuses, pour en savoir plus sur les vertus du thé vert, lisez cet article.
Si vous préférez quelque chose de plus doux, alors les thés aromatisés ou les thés “petit-déjeuner” sont une très bonne alternative. De plus, contrairement au café, en consommant du thé le matin vous pourrez varier les saveurs à l’infini!

Après le dîner

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Le petit café d’après dîner est lui aussi fortement apprécié, encore une fois le thé est une très bonne alternative pour le remplacer. D’ailleurs, consommer du thé ou une infusion après le dîner pourrait vous aider à mieux digérer.
Après un repas un peu trop riche ou sucré, le thé vert sera votre meilleur allié. Le thé vert est capable de faire diminuer naturellement le taux de glycémie dans le sang venant en aide au pancréas.

Pour vous aider à mieux digérer, vous pourriez également vous tourner vers les infusions, il existe de nombreuses plantes pouvant faciliter la digestion:

  • Verveine
  • Badiane
  • Fenouil
  • Gingembre,
  • Radis noir
  • Réglisse
  • Romarin
  • Coriandre
  • Mélisse

Après le souper

Enfin, si vous souhaitez remplacer votre café ou décaféiné du soir, nous vous conseillons fortement de vous tourner vers les infusions. Consommer du thé le soir est à éviter puisque la théine est un excitant naturel ce qui pourrait vous provoquer des troubles de l'endormissement.
Favorisez les plantes relaxantes, apaisantes, et digestives afin de passer une bonne nuit:

  • Camomille
  • Tilleul
  • Verveine
  • Fleur d’oranger
  • Lavande
  • Mélisse
  • Valériane

Tea-Based Dressing Recipe

In summer, we love fresh, tasty and gourmet salads, for lunch, dinner or dinner, salads are generally the star dishes of our meals. To accompany them, we offer you a vinaigrette recipe made with green tea. You will love it!


Green tea vinaigrette

Tea in a vinaigrette, can it be? Yes of course, and it's delicious too, so why not give it a try?

For this vinaigrette, we prefer green tea, the leaves are rich in flavor and will give your vinaigrette a unique fragrance. Be careful with the brewing time, however, leaves steeped for too long can make your vinaigrette bitter and too strong.

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The ingredients

2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
½ cup olive oil
¼ cup balsamic vinegar or red wine
½ tsp. honey or maple syrup
4 tbsp. infused green tea
1 C. finely chopped shallots
Salt and pepper


Start by steeping green tea for 5 minutes in hot water. Once the tea has brewed, discard the leaves. Let cool to room temperature.

In a container, add the oil, vinegar, honey, shallots, and 4 tablespoons of brewed tea. Mix everything well, salt and pepper to your liking.

To be declined as you wish

Feel free to adapt this recipe to suit your taste, for example you could use lemon tea or berry tea for tangy dressings. The proportions remain the same.

Some other essential recipes to make with tea:

Matcha-glazed mochi recipe
Apricot jam and vanilla tea recipe
Fresh mocktail recipe for summer
Easy Recipe: Starbucks Matcha Iced Latte

Matcha-glazed mochis recipe

Have you succumbed to the new trend of summer 2021? The mochis! They are available at will, for all tastes and are easy to make. Since we are foodies, we couldn't resist offering you a tasty recipe for matcha-glazed mochis.


What is mochi?

Mochi is a traditional Japanese dessert which means “rice cake”. Mochi is a glutinous, filled rice preparation, usually made from ice cream, but mochi can also be salted, for example stuffed with red bean paste.

Mochi are very popular in Japan, China, Taiwan and have gained popularity all over the planet.

Preparation of glazed matcha mochis

Ingredients for the mochis dough

1 cup of glutinous rice flour
1 C. matcha
¼ cup of sugar
1 cup of water

Ingredients for the matcha ice cream

4 tbsp. tablespoon of matcha
1 pinch of vanilla
¼ cup of sugar
1 C. cornstarch
200 ml of milk (animal or vegetable)
200 ml of liquid cream

Preparation of the matcha ice cream

In a saucepan, over an off heat, add the milk, cornstarch, vanilla powder, matcha and powdered sugar. Mix everything.

Once mixed, put on a medium heat and stir until the mixture thickens. Once the mixture thickens, add the liquid cream, stir and leave on medium heat.

Leave to cool and pour into a glass dish. Place in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

Preparation of the mochis dough

Combine the rice flour and sugar, then add the water. Cover with cling film and put in the microwave for 1 min. Take out of the microwave, mix well and put back for a minute.

On baking paper, sprinkle with cornstarch, then roll out your dough so that it is 0.5 cm. Place in the refrigerator for 20 min.

Take out of the refrigerator and cut out circles of about 10 cm. Fill with matcha ice cream or another ice cream of your choice.

Place the mochis in the freezer. Take out the mochis 5 minutes before tasting so that they are soft.

Good tasting!
Bonne dégustation!

Apricot jam and vanilla tea recipe


Here is a new summer recipe that will appeal to all gourmands, ideal for breakfast or snack!

There is no time to savor a good homemade jam. Today we offer you a vanilla tea apricot jam recipe.

The recipe, step by step h2> Apricots, summer fruits par excellence are found everywhere in our local markets. For jam, we advise you to use biological apricots, without pesticides. Also, it will be very important to wash them carefully before starting the recipe.

Ingredients h3>![apricots.jpg]( 4 to 5 jam jars:For the recipe of the tea pear jam:1 kg of apricots250 g sugar1 lemon2 c. vanilla tea soup1 vanilla pod

Preparation h3>![Jam-apricots-tea.jpg]( the apricots thoroughly, then cut them into small quarters. Arrange the apricots in a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar, add the vanilla clove, lemon juice and let rest one hour.During the rest time, boil the water and add vanilla tea. Let infuse 5 to 10 minutes. Pour the hot tea directly on the mixture after the rest time.Put everything in a saucepan or cauldron with jam and wear boil, let boil 15 to 20 minutes. Stir the mixture well while cooking and check the jam holding. If it is too liquid, still prolong cooking.Once the jam is as you wish, pour it into the pots. It is important to pour it again hot. Close the lids and then turn the pots until they are completely cold.

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