Tea in the box

We write about tea, recipes, design and entrepreneurship

10 articles in category "Avec le thé"

Healthy infusions after pregnancy

![the-infusions-after-pregnancy.jpg] https://tsurprise.s3.amazonaws.com/blog/the-infusions-apres-grossesse.jpg)

Aaaah pregnancy what a wonderful time (or not), each woman is unique, but anyway, all the small annoyances of these 9 months will be quickly forgotten by a baby in your arms!

During pregnancy we receive many recommendations, do not eat this do not drink this, be careful not to do that etc ... but after your purchase ceen is it?

Our body is turned upside down by a drop of hormones, everything changes, nothing is the same! In this article, you are at the heart of your life and your morale after a pregnancy!

Anti-fatigue herbal teas

Here are the 2 states in which you are currently feeling and it is normal you have just given birth! You went through 9 months ago "Anti-fatigue" herbal teas can help you recover!

** Herbal teas with orange and lemon ** are rich in vitamin C, anti-inflammatories also in large quantities of antioxidants!

** Aerial-based herbal teas **, star containing minerals and calcium exactly what you need after a delivery!

** Ginseng herbal tea **, is the anti-fatigue tea par excellence, infuse 3 g of root cut in 50cl of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes to consume 1 to 2 times a day.

** Cinnamon tea **, the bark of cinnamon, acts as a stimulant and a natural anti-fatigue!

Digestive Herbal teas

After pregnancy, your digestive system may be weakened. Here are the high herbal teas to improve your digestive comfort.

** Anise infusions ** are an effective remedy for stomach pain, aerophagia and ballads after a hearty meal or during the day.

Infusions with verbena ** are used to relieve stomach upset, bloating, gas and all the suffering of digestion.

** Peppermint **, star of stars to relieve digestive problems. Its antalgic, antispasmodic, anti-nausea, digestive stimulant effects are an excellent natural remedy against nausea or vomiting, acute diarrhea and general digestive disorders.

Breastfeeding herbal teas

If you are breastfeeding, know that many herbs can have a beneficial effect on milk production. This product is a self-treatment. Think of consuming 2 to 5 cups of herbal teas a day to boost your production.

** Herbal teas made from fenugreek, caraway and green anise **, although the taste is not more pleasant the effects are powerful!

** Raspberry herbal teas **, also want to increase milk production and also have a positive impact on uterine tone after delivery.

Herbal teas to lose weight

Who has not dreamed of losing all his pounds quickly? Think of herbal teas and the one time now!

Green tea

** The cinnamon tea ** helps to regulate the blood sugar level and by the weight!

** Infusions of fucus ** accelerate the intestinal transit and thus facilitate slimming.

** Ginger herbal teas ** with its appetite suppressant effect, will calm your appetite and bring you a good dose of vitamins and minerals!

** Cumin herbal teas **, they relieve digestive disorders and bloating that help to find a flatter belly quickly!

And what are your secrets to getting back into shape after a birth?

We have all our little methods and secrets to regain form after pregnancy, what are yours? Tell us everything!

See you soon,

How to make marijuana tea


The "High Tea" a fashionable trend, whether for where against! It is also official the legalization of Cannabis in Canada will take place on October 17th. Cannabis is mostly smoked but it can also cook space cakes, omelettes, sweets and confectionery but also be infused, in short it comes in all forms.
The new trend would be "high tea" ie tea or infusions based on Cannabis.
Find in this article 3 recipes of marijuana teas and herbal teas.

Classic marijuana tea



1/2 gram of marijuana heads
1 sachet of green tea, black, fruity white ... the one of your choice
1 cup of water
Honey or powdered sugar
½ teaspoons of butter


Remove the seeds and mold the marijuana leaves in a coffee grinder, blender, or a specially designed accessory.
In a bowl, add the marijuana add the butter and mix. The mixture must be perfectly homogeneous and smooth.
Since THC is not soluble in water, it is important to use a fat to release it in hot water.
Add the mixture in a teaspoon or in a tea bag.
Boil a cup of water and add your teaspoon or tea bag to the simmering water for 30 minutes.
Let cool, and depending on your tastes add sugar, honey, agave syrup ...

Chai latte with marijuana



1/2 gram of marijuana
1 bag of chai latte or
1/2 teaspoons of butter
1 cup of whole milk
1/2 cup of water
2 teaspoons of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


In a blender, add the marijuana, the cup of milk, the teaspoon of vanilla and the butter. Mix everything until a smooth paste is obtained, let stand for 1-2 hours.
In a saucepan, add ½ of water, heat the water but make sure it does not boil. Add the tea spoon or tea bag of marijuana. Let infuse 30 minutes. Add a bag of chai latte to the pan and let it steep for another 10 minutes.
Take a sieve and filter the infused mixture into your chai latte. Add sugar, honey, agave syrup, maple syrup or cream and enjoy!

Infusion with marijuana



1/2 gram of marijuana heads
1 sachet of herbal tea (the one of your choice)
1 cup of water
A little honey or powdered sugar


Sort your marijuana, mix it and add it in a teaspoon or sachet.
In a cup add your marijuana and a bag of herbal tea of ​​your choice. Pour the simmering water and let steep for 5 minutes! That's it
** Attention, these 3 recipes contain a high content of THC and have a very powerful effect, to consume with great moderation! **

The Teas of Clos Vougeot, delicate like a good wine

During a short stay in France, we took the time to visit Burgundy. We stopped in a small village to visit the Château du Clos Vougeot and its vineyards.


It was the monks of Cîteaux Abbey who built wine houses in the middle of the vineyards. The Château du Clos Vougeot is located on the wine route.

We were able to walk through the vineyards with the family and admire the landscape. A real moment of relaxation! I also made a find: "Tea Grandes Vignes". This Keemun black tea from China, with reasons, and natural aromas of reason, is as delicate as a delicious Burgundy wine.


You want to taste this tasty tea from Château du Clos Vougeot, here are the conditions for participation
1) Sign up and answer the questions here
2) For more luck, you can like our page Facebook or else Instagram

The tea set not to forget for the summer


T•Surprise has prepared a special holiday kit not to forget in your suitcases! It is a selection of tea varieties, and recipes of these iced, perfect for the holidays.

1- Go on an adventure

A Zyo cherry Oolong that will create a delicious ice cream. Infuse two spoons with Oolong cherry, a grated coconut spoon, 5 dried canachios and ice cubes.

2- A sudden urge to go on a trip

An iced tea with notes of orange, apple, pineapple that lifts us like a hot Pacific. A refreshing blend of sunshine and dried fruit that chill orange!

3- Want to exoticism

The scents of spearmint blends with the intense, slightly smoky flavor of Chinese Gunpowder. A true trip to the country flavors of Morocco.

And if you go far, take with you your T•Glacébox or your [box]((https://tsurprise.com/abonnements).

Gift Selection for Valentines Day

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Valentine's Day is coming soon! Do you already have the perfect gift for your lover?

Here is a small list of original ideas not to be missed!

Offer a T•Surprise tea subscription

This is the ideal gift of course :) Tea, herbal teas, sweets and new surprises to discover each month.

Our different types of subscriptions adapt perfectly to your needs:
Monthly subscription, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months of your choice!

You still hesitate on the choice of the subscription? Choose a gift card and you'll be delighted!

Finally, find in our e-shop a large selection of teas, herbal teas and accessories! Lets' go!

Offer a monthly health box “Moi D’abord”

For all gourmets who want to combine pleasure and health, the Moi D’abord box is the one you need if you want to indulge without guilt.

Every month, discover many snacks, cereals bars, dried fruits, seeds of all kinds ... and so many delicious and quick healthy recipes! We love that!

You can choose the subscription of your choice: monthly, 6 months or yearly! More info on https://moidabord.ca/

A Chocolat Favoris Gift Card

We love, tea, sweets and chocolate so let's continue in this register!
If you like ice creams and chocolat, offer a Chocolat Favoris gift card! it will be an opportunity to spoil yourself at the same time if you accompany him/her :)

And you, what ideas do you have for Valentine's Day?

J’aime la galette ! Savez-vous comment ? Au thé matcha !


Bon c’est vrai, le jour officiel de la galette des rois est dépassé de seulement quelques jours mais il n’est jamais trop tard pour en déguster, vous ne pensez pas ?

Notre équipe de gourmand vous propose une recette gourmande et originale pour régaler famille et amis : une galette des rois au thé matcha ! Vous aimez ? nous on adore !

Ingrédients pour la galette au thé matcha

Pour la décoration

-20 framboises fraiches ou décongelées
-1 jaune d’oeuf
-1 cuillère à soupe de lait
-Une fève
-125 g de beurre mou

Pour la pâte d'amande :

-3 œufs
-125 g de poudre d'amandes
-125 g de sucre
-3 cuillères à café de thé matcha
-2 rouleaux de pâte feuilletée ou de la pate feuilletée maison

Préparation de la galette au thé matcha

Afin que la pâte soit bien crémeuse, travaillez la avec une fourchette.
Mélangez la poudre d’amandes et le sucre afin d’obtenir un mélange homogène. Ajoutez les oeufs l'extrait d'amandes amères et l'eau de fleur d'oranger et le thé matcha puis mélangez le tout. Mettez votre préparation au frais afin qu’elle soit bien ferme pour être répartie. Préparez le mélange lait jaune d’oeuf.

En attendant, n’oubliez pas de démarrer votre four à 350F.
Sur votre plaque de cuisson, disposez la première pâte feuilletée. Badigeonnez son pourtour avec le mélange oeuf-lait.
Répartissez ensuite la crème d'amandes et déposez une fève en l'enfonçant légèrement.
Posez ensuite le second disque, lissez afin de faire sortir l'air.
Faites une légère entaille au milieu afin que la galette ne gonfle pas trop. Faites des petites entailles sur le pourtour pour la décoration.
Décorez le dessus de votre galette comme bon vous semble, soyez original !
Dorez la surface avec le mélange jaune d'oeuf/lait et mettez au frais pendant 30 minutes.
Enfin, mettez au four pendant environ 25 minutes, votre galette des rois au thé matcha doit être bien dorée !

Sortez du four, laissez reposer, disposez les framboises et surtout dégustez :)

Christmas treats!

The holiday season is coming and we are delighted :) Snow, Christmas music, evenings by the fireplace, hearty meals and succulent delicacies make it a magical moment!

And since we are gourmands, we offer a Christmas snack recipe to enjoy without moderation to the delight of your taste buds :)

Shortbread with Matcha Tea and Spread


Ingredients, (20 cookies)
-200 g flour
-2 tbsp. to s. of white almond puree
-70 ml. olive oil or other vegetable oil
-75 g + 20 g. powdered cane sugar powder
-6 c. to s. vegetable milk (rice or almond)
-2 tbsp. to c. curved powdered matcha tea
-1 pinch of salt
-1 C. to c. vanilla powder
-200 g. organic spread (homemade or commercial)

Material needed: cookie cutters of your choice

Preparation of cookies

-Preheat oven to 350 C
-Mix the flour, 75 g. cane sugar, matcha tea, salt and vanilla.
-Add the almond puree, the olive oil and the milk while mixing.
-Roll out the dough
-Cut biscuits of 5 sizes using cookie cutters
-Bake for 10 minutes
Mounting cookies

Place a biscuit of the largest diameter on a plate. Add the spread and stack in the same way 4 cookies, from the largest to the smallest.

Christmas chai latte


To accompany this delicious gluttony, what better than a chaï latte home spice Christmas, follow step by step our recipe, and succumb to this irresistible sweetness.

Here are the ingredients needed to prepare your chaï latte

-10 wild berries
-5 cloves
-5 seeds of cardamom
-1 cinnamon stick
-3 tablespoons black tea
1 / grind all the spices.
2 / Add the spices in a saucepan and add a cup of water and a half. 
3 / Bring to a boil, add 1 cup of milk. Boil.4 / Add the tea and let steep for 3 minutes.
5 / Pour chaï tea latte by filtering tea and spices with a strainer.


Autumn Recipe: Pumpkin Cheesecake


La belle saison automnale arrive et ce n’est pas pour nous déplaire ! Surement une des plus belles saisons avec ses 1001 couleurs, ses douces et ensoleillées journées.

L’automne c’est également l’arrivée de nouveaux fruits et légumes comme les courges, citrouilles, les châtaignes… et cela nous donne encore plus d’idées de recettes ☺

Aujourd’hui découvrez une première recette d’une longue série que l’on vous proposera pendant cette belle saison : Cheesecake à la citrouille


• 1 paquet de biscuit sablé (ou d’autres biscuits secs si vous préférez)
• 100 g de beurre fondu
• 230 g de cream cheese battu
• 500 g de purée de potiron (sans eau rajoutée)
• 4 œufs
• 250 g de sucre
• ½ cuillères à café de cannelle
• ¼ de cuillère à café de gingembre en poudre

Préparation du gâteau au fromage

1ère étape : Biscuit

• Préchauffer le four à 350°F
• Mélanger les biscuits et le beurre fondu
• Tasser au fond d’un moule à charnière (d’environ 22 cm de diamètre)
• Enfourner et laisser cuire 15 minutes
• Sortir du four et laisser refroidir

2nde étape : Garniture

• Mélanger le cream cheese et la purée de potiron
• Ajouter les œufs, le sucre, la cannelle, et le gingembre
• Verser dans le moule, sur le fond précuit, et faire cuire environ 50 minutes à 300°F.
• Sortir du four et laisser la cuisson s’achever à température ambiante.

3ème étape : Décorer le gâteau

• 1/2 tasse sucre à glacer
• 1/8 cuillère à thé cannelle
• 1/8 cuillère à thé muscade
• 2 cuillères à table lait

Battez l’ensemble des ingrédients tous ensemble puis répartissez sur votre gâteau au fromage !

Placez au réfrigérateur quelques heures avant de le déguster ☺

Recipe: Matcha cheesecake

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For you gourmand (s) here is an article specially made for you! You've loved the latest recipes published on the blog


Preparation time: 25mn
Cooking time: 1 hour (+ 5 hours rest in the oven)
Rest time in the cool: 12h

  • 900 g cream cheese
  • 300 g of sugar
  • 18 cl of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 25 cl sour cream
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons Matcha powdered green tea
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 package of speculoos or dry cake (for the bottom)

Cooked dough

  • Preheat the oven to 300 °
  • In a bowl, break the biscuits into pieces
  • Add the butter
  • Pour the mixture into the bottom of the hinge mold and then tamp
  • Place in the freezer to harden the biscuit layer.

Preparation of the cheesecake

  • Mix the cheese with the cream and the sugar until obtaining a smooth consistency
  • Add the milk, then the eggs one by one
  • Add sour cream, matcha green tea powder and lemon juice
  • Add the flour until the consistency is smooth.
  • Remove the mold from the freezer and pour the filling over the biscuit layer.
  • Place in the oven at 300 ° for 1 hour with a small pot of water to avoid cracks
  • Turn off the oven and let the cake cool in the oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours,
  • Leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 12h.

Decorate the cake

If you want to decorate your cheesecake, you can quite make a whipped creamy, natural or based on matcha tea, depending on your tastes!

Tea from starter to dessert

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We love tea in all its forms! Cook for yourself, your friends or your lover a meal composed of tea from the starter to the dessert!

Discover our favorite recipes for the delight of your taste buds!

1. The starter / Cucumber cold soup with green tea mint

This fresh and tasty starter is very simple to make and will surprise the gourmands!


• 3 mint tea bags
• 4 tsps of Japanese pearl or tapioca
• 1 cucumber
• About fifteen fresh mint leaves
• 2 plain yogurts
• 1 spoonful of olive oil
• A pinch of salt and pepper
• A zest of lemon


• Bring ¾ liter of water to a boil, infuse the bags
• Add the Japanese pearls in the infusion, brew 15 minutes
• Peel cucumber
• Add the mint leaves
• Combine infusion, cucumber, mint and lemon zest


2. The dish / Salmon with its green tea sauce


• 1 salmon fillet with skin
• 50cl of fish stock
• 1 tsp green Matcha powdered tea
• 40 cl sour cream
• 2 tsps lemon juice
• 5 tsps sesame seeds
• Salt pepper


• Place the fish in a saucepan and reduce to about 1 tsp of liquid.
• Remove pan from fire
• Add liquid cream and tea.
• Return to the heat and reduce by half.
• Add the lemon juice.
• Preheat the oven (350F)
• Place the salmon in a dish (skin side up and bake)
• Cook 8 minutes, leaving oven door ajar.
• Serve salmon and brush with sauce


3. Dessert / Fondant with chocolate, dates and green tea

Finish with a chocolate sweetness that you will not forget! This delicious chocolate fondant is quick and easy to make!


• 250 g black chocolate with pastry
• 200 g butter
• 4 eggs
• 100 g icing sugar
• 60 g flour
• 40 g of green tea powder
• 100 g of dates


• Preheat oven th 6 (350 ° F).
• Pit the dates and cut them into small dice.
• Melt chocolate and butter
• Cut ginger and candied cherries into small pieces.
• Add the icing sugar and then the flour in the butter and chocolate, mixing well until a smooth paste is obtained.
• Then add the eggs one by one and then the green tea
• Butter a pan and pour the dough.
• Cook for 25 minutes.


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