Tea in the box

We write about tea, recipes, design and entrepreneurship

Tout savoir sur le rooibos: préparation, consommation et bienfaits


Nous parlons très souvent des thés verts, noirs ou blancs mais plus rarement du “rouge” plus communément appelé rooibos. Dans cet article nous vous dévoilons tous ces secrets: comment le préparer, le consommer et quels sont ces bienfaits.

Le rooibos est originaire d’Afrique du Sud, il est consommé depuis plus de 300 ans par les indigènes sous forme d’infusion. La récolte se fait pendant les 3 premiers mois de l’année pendant la saison estivale.

Préparation du rooibos

Peut-être que cela va vous paraître être une évidence, que ce n’est pas la peine de réexpliquer comment préparer une infusion, et pourtant... Reprenons depuis le début! Préparer un bon thé ou une infusion est tout un art!

Commençons d’abord par l’eau, en effet l’eau de votre infusion ou thé à toute son importance. L’eau du robinet et celle généralement la plus utilisée, toutefois son goût peut être trop chloré, trop salé… Vous pouvez plutôt préférer une eau minérale qui une fois chauffée (non bouilli!) sera parfaite pour votre infusion.

Le rooibos peut également être infusé à froid, très pratique en été pour déguster en thé glacé!

Ensuite, la température de l’eau, nous ne le répéterons jamais assez, l’eau d’un thé ne doit en aucun cas être bouillie, cela risque de brûler les feuilles et désaltérer le goût de votre boisson chaude. Concernant le temps d’infusion le Rooibos étant une infusion peut être infusé 5 à 10 min, vous pouvez le laisser moins de temps si vous appréciez les infusions plus légères.

Pour tout savoir sur la température et le dosage vous pouvez d’ailleurs relire notre précédent article!

Enfin l’infuseur a également son importance! Le Rooibos a la particularité d’être très fin ainsi si vous utilisez un infuseur qui n’est pas adapté les feuilles risquent de se disperser dans la tasse. Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser un infuseur en métal à déposer dans la tasse.

Consommation du rooibos

Le rooibos peut se consommer à toutes heures de la journée! En effet il s’agit d’une infusion et ne contient donc pas de théine! Aucun risque de ne pas s’endormir le soir au contraire! Que ce soit dans la matinée, l'après-midi ou en soirée, n’hésitez pas à déguster une bonne tasse de rooibos.

Il existe d’ailleurs de nombreux sortes de rooibos aromatisés à toutes sortes de goûts, fruités, épicés… à vous de choisir celui qui vous conviendra le mieux.

Bienfaits du rooibos

Le rooibos tout comme le thé vert, noir ou blanc, possède de nombreuses vertus!
Saviez-vous qu’en Afrique du Sud les mamans donnent à leurs nourrissons du rooibos? Il ne contient pas de théine et surtout aurait un effet bénéfique sur les coliques et les problèmes digestifs des bébés.

Vous l’aurez compris le rooibos possède des vertus digestif et diminue les crampes d’estomac.

Le rooibos est également riche en antioxydant et donc stimule le système immunitaire. Parmi les autres vertus et bienfaits voici les principales:

est un allié pour la santé et la beauté de la peau
prévient les maladies cardiovasculaires et dégénératives
lutte contre le vieillissement
Et vous, aimez-vous le rooibos? Comment le consommez-vous?

À bientôt pour un nouvel article!

10 easy things to do with tea


We all have in our closets a loose tea that has been forgotten and therefore is not really good for consumption! It would be a shame to throw it, indeed there is a thousand and one way to reuse tea! In this article we reveal tips and tricks to give your tea a second life!

Reuse used tea daily

Easy tips to give a second life to used tea:

Fertilize plants

Instead of throwing away your old tea bags, you can use them to put them at the feet of the plants. Tea is an excellent natural fertilizer because leaves contain carbohydrates and helps plants to grow and grow healthy!

Clean and feed the wood

Did you know that tea is great for cleaning and feeding wood? For that, it is enough to plunge some sachets in boiling water. Soak the rags and scrub the wood vigorously. It will be cleaned and perfectly nourished.

Combat bad smells

To fight bad odors, nothing like using tea bags users
 Whether in cabinets, in the fridge or in shoe closets, tea will allow you to deodorize effectively and in a very natural way. The tea will release its perfect and stop the proliferation of bad smell.

Repel insects

For repelling insects, tea will do the trick! Like citronella, the smell of tea is not at all popular with pests. You can also add a few drops of essential oils of peppermint or lemongrass to accentuate the effect even more.


Tea is an excellent degreaser, to do so plunge your dishes in boiling water and add a few tea bags, leave it all for several tens of minutes then rub and rinse.

To treat small sores

To cure small daily ills, tea will do the trick!

To cure acne pimples, blackheads and blackheads tea is a natural remedy and effective! Let some tea bags soak in water and make your own micellar water. Clean your face daily with this water, your skin will be all the more beautiful.
The tannins in tea also help heal!

And how do you (re) use your tea bags on a daily basis? Tell us everything!

Selftea, traditional and tasty teas without moderation


We love to make you discover new brands of teas, new flavors but especially pretty companies that like us are passionate about tea and wish to share this passion!

Today we wanted to talk about Selftea, a Quebec company that offers a wide range of high quality tea, with no artificial flavors and mostly organic.

Selftea: who are they?

Selftea is a Quebec company that is committed to offering you fine and tasty teas.

Their main mission is to help you get away from stress and succeed in living more peacefully by taking care of your body and mind.

The teas offered are of superior quality and for the vast majority of organic wines.

Finally, if you are passionate about tea, Selftea offers to become a brand ambassador yourself! To find out more visit the site

Selftea, teas and accessories

What are your favorite teas? Whatever it is, you will find it at Selftea!
Find on the website a wide range of white tea, green tea, black tea , but also fruity teas and spicy teas, iced teas, Rooibos, herbal teas... and much more!
Among the accessories you will also find all those needed to prepare your tea: infuser ball, tea spoon, sugar stick, Matcha whisk ..
See you now on site to discover new tasty, original and delicious teas!

Society, for the sake of tea!


In this article we were eager to tell you about Societhé, a tea company specializing in bulk aromatic teas and high-end accessories.

Sociéthé is distinguished by the great variety of these teas but also by its chic and glamorous image!

To learn more about this company or to discover new teas and accessories visit their website (https://societhe.ca/boutique/index.php?route=common/home&tracking=5c42af71583e8)

Sociéthé, teas and unique accessories

Sociéthé finds for you white, black, green teas, infusions and Roobois from all over the world. Anxious to offer quality products, tea unearthed are great qualities and for some are even certified organic!

Finally, in terms of accessories, Sociéthé offers you many and varied that will meet all your needs and your desires!

White, green, black, wulong, roobois ... tea-volon tea

For white tea lovers, discover two very sweet and tasty teas on BAI MU DAN WANG and the YUE GUANG BAI both from China. The sweet and delicate scent of these white teas will offer you a moment of relaxation and relaxation!

Rather green tea? Sociéthé offers a wide range of green tea! Rich in antioxidant iron, vitamins, green tea is your health ally! Vary the pleasures and enjoy green tea in all its forms Matcha tea, Earl Gray and much more!

For the fans of black tea, the still Sociéthé offers a wide range of products each as unique as the others! Black tea is more stimulating than green tea and the health effects are undeniable: helps lower cholesterol, asthma or digestive disorders.

Finally for lovers of roobois, or tisanes, you will not be disappointed to discover the wide selection offered on the site.

Finally for all your tea preparations, find all the essential accessories teaspoon, matcha whisk, teapot and much more ...

Visit Sociéthé now and treat yourself to a dose of happiness!

How to prepare your tea: dosage, temperature and infusion?


Water temperature, brewing time, dosage of tea ... preparing a good everything is an art, it would be a shame not to know the basic "rules", is not it? Did you know that too hot water can burn leaves or too long a brewing time to develop the bitterness of tea! In this article, find all our tips to succeed for sure your tea!

Assay your tea

The first choice is one of the most important is to know the tea well! It goes without saying, you will be done, the more your flavor will be rich, on the other hand the less leaves will be yours.

To achieve your dosage, count 2 grams of tea for 10 to 15 cl of water, you can also use the spoon for a perfect dosage. Finally, they contain only 2 grams of tea.

Finally in general, for 30 cl of water, count 6 to 8 grams of tea, green, black, white, Roobois ...

Water temperature

The temperature of all its importance in the preparation of your tea, passing through too hot water can burn the leaves and alter the quality of the tea. On the other hand, too cold water does not release the good flavors and aromas.

The brewing temperatures are indicated on the packaging of your teas. Finally, there are kettles to adjust the temperature of the water depending on the type of tea.

The ideal temperatures according to the teas:

· White tea: 70-80 ° C
· Chinese green tea: 70-80 ° C
· Japanese green tea: 50-90 ° C
· Oolong tea: 95 ° C
· Black and matt: 85-95 ° C
· Rooibos: 95 ° C

Brewing time of the tea

In order to perform all its qualities and flavors, it is important to respect the good brewing time. Infuser in the Oolong can stay for 2 minutes, however, it only takes 2 minutes!

· White tea: (1-2 minutes of infusion)
· Chinese green tea: (2-5 minutes of infusion)
· Japanese green tea: 1-3 minutes of infusion)
· Oolong tea: (5-7 minutes of infusion)
· Black tea and maté: (3-5 minutes of infusion)
· Rooibos: (4-10 minutes of infusion)

Did you know the basics of infusion, temperature and dosage? Our essential accessories for preparing your tea

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