Tea in the box

We write about tea, recipes, design and entrepreneurship

Anti-stress tips and tricks!


Tea, we love it, we adore it, for its different varieties, for its rich and varied tastes, and its many virtues.
Anti-stress natural, tea will be your ally in daily life to lead a healthy and peaceful life!

Today we would like to propose you an article specially dedicated to people subject to stress and wishing to relax!

Here is a list of tips and tricks in order to relax the accumulated stress and enjoy your summer!

Do sport

Sport is a miracle "ingredient" to manage your stress! In addition to being excellent for your fitness, it is also good for your morale. It is important to choose a sport in which you will be fulfilled and happy to practice. No matter what kind of sport you choose, jump, dance, box ... you choose!


What if you take a moment to relax and meditate? Sit down, cross your legs, close your eyes, breathe deeply! Meditation helps to empty the head of negative thoughts and release the tensions of the body, 5 minutes a day are enough. Ready ? Meditate!

Eat anti-stress food

Did you know that there are many anti stress foods? Our belly is our second brain, take care of it! Promote foods rich in slow carbohydrates, fiber, Omega3, proteins, vitamins D and C.

The best anti-stress foods: Bananas, avocados, sweet potato, walnuts, chocolate, green vegetables.


The stress factor may also come from a lack of sleep that is essential for our well-being. A good night's sleep of 8 hours minimum will be a great help to prevent and relieve an anxious state!

A bicycle


T.Surprise offers you an escape in the heart of amazing and amazing teas! Feet well in the pedals, hands on the handlebars, let's leave to discover the surprises of teas and infusions that contains the tea set "To Bicycle"! Let yourself be surprised by authentic flavors, fresh and naturally flowered.

All about green mate


Today in this article, we present a tea that we like very much: The green mate. Just like white, green or red black tea, green mate is a tea with many virtues that is highly appreciated for its powerful taste!

Origin of mate green

The maté is from South America and was consumed by Amerindian populations. The plant, verba mate is a leaf belonging to the family of holly.

Green Mate Virtues

De part sa grande concentration en cafeine, le maté est excellent pour lutter contre la fatigue ! Ce stimulant naturel améliore la vigilance et les performances physiques et intellectuelles. Le maté est aussi un puissant antioxydant grâce à sa haute teneur en polyphénols. Il est aussi une source de nombreuses autres vitamines comme les vitamines A, C, E, B1, B2 mais aussi en fer, magnésium, calcium…

Due to its high concentration of caffeine, mate is excellent for fighting fatigue! This natural stimulant improves vigilance and physical and intellectual performance. Mate is also a powerful antioxidant thanks to its high content of polyphenols. It is also a source of many other vitamins such as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 but also iron, magnesium, calcium ...

Among the other virtues of green mate, we can cite:

  • Fight against cardiovascular diseases
  • Effective against headaches
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Slimming ally
  • Moisturizing

Preparation of mate

Maté has no particular characteristics as to its preparation! Indeed, it's enough to infuse 1 or 2g of leaves in boiling water. Be careful not to consume more than three cups per day because of its high caffeine concentration! Finally, it's preferable to consume it during the day, prefer the herbal teas in the evening ☺

Recipe: Matcha cheesecake

Tout savoir sur le thé Oolong (7).png

For you gourmand (s) here is an article specially made for you! You've loved the latest recipes published on the blog


Preparation time: 25mn
Cooking time: 1 hour (+ 5 hours rest in the oven)
Rest time in the cool: 12h

  • 900 g cream cheese
  • 300 g of sugar
  • 18 cl of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 25 cl sour cream
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons Matcha powdered green tea
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1 package of speculoos or dry cake (for the bottom)

Cooked dough

  • Preheat the oven to 300 °
  • In a bowl, break the biscuits into pieces
  • Add the butter
  • Pour the mixture into the bottom of the hinge mold and then tamp
  • Place in the freezer to harden the biscuit layer.

Preparation of the cheesecake

  • Mix the cheese with the cream and the sugar until obtaining a smooth consistency
  • Add the milk, then the eggs one by one
  • Add sour cream, matcha green tea powder and lemon juice
  • Add the flour until the consistency is smooth.
  • Remove the mold from the freezer and pour the filling over the biscuit layer.
  • Place in the oven at 300 ° for 1 hour with a small pot of water to avoid cracks
  • Turn off the oven and let the cake cool in the oven with the door closed for 5 to 6 hours,
  • Leave to rest in the refrigerator for at least 12h.

Decorate the cake

If you want to decorate your cheesecake, you can quite make a whipped creamy, natural or based on matcha tea, depending on your tastes!

Tout savoir sur le thé OOLONG

Tout savoir sur le thé Oolong.png

Après notre article sur le thé ROOIBOS, le Kombucha, ou encore le Thé Matcha, nous avions envie de vous proposer un billet sur le thé OOLONG ou Wulong.

Ce thé, particulièrement apprécié est toutefois un des moins consommés, et ne représente que 2% du thé mondial.

Le thé OOLONG est d’origine chinoise est signifie « Dragon noir ». Celui-ci est à mi-chemin entre le thé noir (oxydation complète) et le thé vert (qui n’est pas oxydé) car son oxydation est incomplète.

Il existe plusieurs familles de thé OOLONG :

• Les thés faiblement oxydés
• Les thés fortement oxydés
• Vieux Oolong torréfiés à de multiples reprises
• Jeunes Oolong multi-torréfiés

Caractéristiques du thé OOLONG

Lorsque les feuilles du thé OOLONG sont récoltées du théier (appelé Camellia Sinensis), elles n’appartiennent pas encore à une « catégorie », c’est à dire que dans un premier temps le thé n’est ni vert, noir ou blanc. L’OOLONG est presque identique au thé noir, la différence étant son processus de fermentation qui oscille entre 10 et 70%.

Ainsi, les thé OOLONG peuvent être léger (10 à 20%), moyen (20 à 50%) ou bien fort (50 à 80%).

Enfin, en fonction de son degré de fermentation, le thé OOLONG peut être de différentes couleurs.

Vertus du thé OOLONG
Comme la plupart des thés, l’OOLONG possède de nombreuses vertus et bienfaits bénéfiques pour la santé, découvrez-les !

Aide à prévenir le diabète

Le thé OOLONG est particulièrement riche en polyphénols antioxydants. Il serait prouvé que ses polyphénols auraient la capacité de réduire le taux de glycémie et le niveau d’insuline.

Il renforce le système immunitaire

Les composantes de ce thé seraient excellent pour maintenir un système immunitaire en forme et permettrait de mieux nettoyer le corps.

Prévient certains cancer

Le thé Oolong est riche en polyphénols antioxydants et selon des chercheurs, il pourrait aider à prévenir les mutations cellulaires qui peuvent être la cause de certaines formes de cancers.

Bénéfique pour nos yeux !

Les composantes du thé Oolong ont une action positive sur les yeux et spécialement la rétine. Boire du thé Oolong est un excellent moyen de protéger vos pupilles !

Ou trouver du thé Oolong

Les thés Oolong de chez Zyo
Les coffret de thé Oolong de chez Cha YI
Les thés Oolong de chez My Cup of Tea
Les thés Oolong de chez Camelia Sinensis

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