La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

In January, boost your immunity!


Grrrrr, wind, cold, snow, colds ... yes winter is here! Even if you like to enjoy these beautiful winter days, at the beginning of the year, nothing like it is a little boost to avoid colds and flu season! In this article, find our tips and tricks to strengthen your immunity and pass the milestone of winter!

This is the time to get the winter woes (

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables

It's never a secret, eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day helps you stay in shape, but most importantly boost your immune system! Every morning, grab a glass of fresh fruit or snap right into a fruit! For your lunch, snack and dinner, it's the same, never forget your portion of fruits and vegetables.

Consumption of probiotics

Did you know that 70% of our immune defenses are in our intestines? It's time to take care do not you think? A small probiotic cure will only make you feel great! Probiotics are generally in food supplements, but also in nature. Consumer Besides 1 to 2 years nature per day for ten months helped to reduce the risk of catching a cold.

Bet on magnesium

The magnesium is a mineral of many virtues! It is excellent for fighting fatigue, stress, nervousness, lack of sleep, hypertension, vascular diseases and much more .. A small magnesium cure in winter will do you great!

Here is a list of some elements rich in magnesium

  • sardinesseafood
  • Cocoa,
  • cashew nuts,
  • the almonds,
  • spices (seeds of cumin, coriander, curry, ground ginger ...),whole breads and rice

Stock up on vitamin D

In winter, vitamins and vitamins were chosen.

For more vitamins, you can quite take via food supplements, but also eat the following foods: cod liver, smoked herring, sardines, salmon ...

# Drink tea!

Of course we did not finish this article in what you drink tea :) This is undoubtedly our favorite product against a lot of small ailments (but also because the adore!).

Do not hesitate to consume green or black that are stimulating, detoxifying and boost your immune system in winter!

Moreover to know the differences between the different versions of our article here.

Sociéthé, une maison de thé pas comme les autres


Fondée en 2015, dans le quartier branché de Saint Henri à Montréal, par Marie-Hélène et Jean-Baptiste. Sociéthé est une marque qui se distingue par son image chic et glamour. Marie-Hélène vous fait découvrir son amour du thé, en vous proposant des thés en vrac spécialisés et accessoires haut de gamme.

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Leurs produits sont de qualité supérieure et faits avec des ingrédients 100% naturels. Leurs thés sont importés de partout à travers le monde. Visitez le site de Sociéthé pour découvrir notre nouvelle série de thés parfumés Chic & Glamour.

Prepare Matcha vegan latte at home


Matcha has become in a few years one of the most consumed teas! Matcha is a tea with many benefits and is consumed in all its forms! Moreover we had proposed a recipe of galette des kings based on matcha, find the recipe here

Today in this article we propose a recipe for matcha latte vegan!

But first let's start with a bit of history.

Matcha what is it?

Coming from Japanese culture, matcha has been consumed for 800 years by Zen Buddhist monks.

In 1191, a Buddhist monk named Eisai (1141-1215) brought from China a tea that corresponds to the current Matcha, a green tea powder mixed with hot water.

In its early days, Matcha tea is consumed as a medicine and then gradually becomes known and eaten during meditation sessions.

The benefits of matcha tea

Matcha tea has many benefits, it is part of the great food! Among these benefits, it is a powerful antioxidant and boosts your immunity, it helps with weight loss and you feel better overall.

Matcha is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, it prevents cholesterol and is excellent for maintaining healthy and healthy skin.

Matcha tea is consumed alone (simply with boiling water) or in batten, biscuit ... as you prefer!

Matcha latte vegan recipe

The recipe that you propose us today is very simple to realize and will take you only a few minutes, for non vegan do not hesitate to replace the vegetable milk by cow's milk!

First of all it is important to choose a Matcha of quality, for that do not hesitate to visit the site on which you will find the matcha tea of ​​your choice! We will be back soon to talk to you about Bangoshi - Online shop specializing in matcha tea.

The other ingredients used in the preparation will be a vegetable milk of your choice, boiling water and a touch of sweetness, maple syrup, agave, honey ... once again it's up to you!

Preparation of the matcha latte vegan

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Pour the matcha powder and the sugar into a cup, pour the boiling water and mix with a special whisk matcha
Heat the milk and then add it gently to the cup, stir again.
Do not hesitate to decorate your matcha with some matcha powder
Serve and savor!

*Have you ever tried other Matcha-based recipes? Share them with us! *

Grog recipe with tea


Winter, snow, the holidays, but also the cold and cold season ... You do not spend a day without taking out tissues and medicines? Did you try Grandma's remedies? Among those, the political party was known! Try it!

Grog: Grandma's remedy for small colds

What is the grog? Glass is a drink invented by Edward Vernon, admiral of the English army. The admiral, the view of water consume a lot and very often. For the continuation of the lemon was added to the mixture for a small dose of vitamin C.

The name of the drink out of the name of the cocktail.

We have consumed this drink, small ailments every day, such as colds, flus ... disappear gradually, this drink was therefore consumed for its "therapeutic" virtues.

The grog is a mixture of rum, boiling water, but also honey, sugar, cinnamon ...

The benefits of grog

Grog provides a soothing and comforting effect, it soothes the irritation of the throat, frees the bronchi, opens the nose ...
Attention consumer consumer in moderation and not consuming any medicine, it contains alcohol!

Recipe of a tea base

To prepare a cheese with ingredients and preparation:


8 cl amber rum
14 cl of black tea or vanilla
2 cl of lemon juice
1 slice of lemon bio
2 slices of organic oranges
2 cinnamon sticks
Acacia honey


Hang the tea in boiling water for 5 to 7 minutes.
Add all the ingredients, rum, lemon juice, slices of lemon and orange, cinnamon and honey.

Let it infuse for 10 minutes and enjoy :)

Do not hesitate to make a larger quantity to enjoy a cocktail when you receive friends and family!

Préparer son thé de Noël à la maison


Et si préparer un thé de Noël à la maison était un jeu d’enfant? Noël est la période pendant laquelle nous consommons le plus de thé épicés aux saveurs chaudes et réconfortantes, alors pourquoi ne pas en concocter de chez soi? Offrez-votre thé de Noël à famille et amis vous ferez plaisir à coup sûr!

Retrouvez sur le blogue d’autres recettes spéciales Noël qui viendront régaler vos papilles :)

Les ingrédients de votre thé de Noël

100 grammes de thé rouge ou Roobois
Zeste d’une demie orange (bio de préférence)
1 bâton de cannelle bio
15 grammes d’amandes bio
3 clous de girofle bio
1 gousse de vanille bio
2 étoiles de Badine bio

Préparation de votre thé de Noë

Commencez par éplucher l’orange et disposez les zestes sur une plaque que vous mettrez au four à 200 degrés, les zestes doivent sécher et non cuitent!

Faites ensuite dorer les amandes à la poêle, faites les refroidir puis hachez-les, ensuite, écrasez le bâton de cannelle.

Dans votre contenant, ajoutez tous les ingrédients, amandes, vanille, écorces d’oranges séchées, l’idéal serait de réaliser ce mélange une semaine à l’avance afin que les saveurs soient encore plus prononcées.

Matériel et décoration de votre boîte de thé

Il serait dommage de conserver ou d’offrir votre thé dans un contenant ne rappelant pas Noël, rien de plus facile que de la fabriquer vous même!

Munissez-vous de petits pots en verre ou en fer, de rubans, de bolduc, de stickers, de paillettes, autocollants.. choisissez la décoration de votre choix et les couleurs que vous aimez.

Remplissez les contenants de votre thé de Noël et décorez-les, il ne reste plus qu’à les offrir!


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