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La boîte à thé

Nous parlons du thé, de recettes, de lectures, de voyages et d'entreprenariat

Frozen tea lollipop recipes for summer


It is high time to offer you new tea recipes perfect for the summer!
Simple recipes, gourmet and refreshing, we can never have enough! Find in this article several recipes of tea-based lollipops very simple to make!

To see all our recipes visit the blog

A fruity, tangy and vitaminized lollipop h2>This first recipe will surely please your toddlers and yourself of course!Ultra-simple it is much healthier to eat than ice lolly industrial so why not?

Pineapple, banana, kiwi and lemon tea lollipops

The ingredients you need: b>2 cups fresh pineapple cut into cubes1 small banana1 kiwi1 cup (250 ml) of lemon tea1 1/2 tsp. (7 ml) vanillaA teaspoon of sugar For preparation: b>Cut fresh fruits into cubes or mix them according to your preferencesAdd the cup of lemon tea, vanilla and sugarMix it allPour into lollipop moldsPut in the freezer at least 8 hours

A creamy and gourmet lollipop h2>

Yogurt and fruity tea lollipop

The ingredients you need b>3 fruit tea spoons (of your choice)½ cup of water1 cup plain yogurt or vanilla1 peach / a handful of strawberries or raspberries all mixed For preparation: b>Brew teaMix the fruits and mix with the yogurtMix yogurt and brewed teaPour into ice lollipop containersFreeze for 8 hours minimum

A sweet and tasty lollipop h2>

Honey and lemon mango lollipops

The ingredients you need b>3 cups frozen or fresh mango pieces1/4 cup of sugar1 lime1 cup (250 ml) of milk infused with a fruity tea of ​​your choice For preparation: b>Brew tea in hot milkMix the mangoMix the mango mixed with the milkAdd sugar and limePour into ice lollipop containersFreeze for 8 hours minimumAs an option for this recipe, and only for adults :) it is possible to add a shot glass Rum!

Boire du thé pour maximiser vos efforts sportifs


Faire du sport c’est bon pour la santé physique et mentale, on ne cesse de nous le répéter! Une pratique courante du sport permet de se sentir bien au quotidien et de se maintenir en forme! Saviez-vous que le thé fait partie de la routine de nombreux sportifs? Outre ces nombreux bienfaits que nous connaissons déjà, boire du thé avant, pendant et après un effort sportif peut vous aider à maximiser les résultats!

Pourquoi le thé et le sport font bon ménage

Le thé est la deuxième boisson la plus consommée au monde après l’eau, la raison? En plus d’être savoureuse le thé contient des bienfaits pour la santé non négligeable.

Pourquoi boire du thé quand on est sportif?

Le thé est un excellent antioxydant grâce à sa haute teneur en polyphénol. Les antioxydants permettent de maintenir une bonne santé cardiovasculaire, booste votre immunité en venant combattre les microbes quotidien. Résultat, vous vous sentez en forme et prêt pour assurer vos séances sportives.

Autre avantage de boire du thé, il est un excellent stimulant naturel du fait de sa grande concentration en caféine. Il vous apporte l’énergie nécessaire pour assurer une séance de sport. De plus consommer du thé avant une séance faciliterait la perte de poids.

Enfin, le thé vous aide à la prise de masse musculaire. En consommant du thé cela permet de réduire plus rapidement le taux de cortisol et ainsi d’améliorer la prise de masse musculaire.

Quel thé choisir avant, pendant et après le sport?

Le thé vert et le thé noir: avant et pendant

Le thé vert est celui le plus riche en caféine, il vous apportera l’énergie nécessaire pour assurer une bonne séance de musculation, d’endurance …

De plus consommer du thé vert avant la pratique d’une activité physique vous aidera à brûler davantage de calorie, car comme vous le savez probablement le thé vert fait partie des meilleurs brûle graisse naturel!

Le thé vert, comme le thé noir permet également d’augmenter l’hormone de la motivation appelée la dopamine!

Enfin, le thé vert est aussi un très bon thé à boire post exercice car il aide vos muscles à récupérer après un effort,

Le thé noir est un thé riche en caféine et L-Théa­nine, le thé noir vous apporte un apport d'énergie qui agit de manière prolongé.

Le thé noir est ainsi parfait à consommer pendant l’effort ce qui vous permettra de maintenir votre énergie durant toute votre séance!

Le thé blanc et le rooibos: après

Après un effort intense, il est important de ramener son corps à un état normal, de relâcher les tensions, de se détendre et surtout de récupérer!

Le thé blanc est celui contenant le moins de théine, et le Rooibos étant en réalité une infusion vous aidera à récupérer tout en douceur.

Consommez ces 2 boissons après du sport vous maintiendra hydratés, protègera votre foie, et favo­risera votre sommeil, enfin, il aidera vos muscles à récu­pé­rer et à se déve­lop­per.

Consommez-vous du thé avant, pendant ou après une activité physique? en ressentez-vous les bienfaits? Dites nous tout!

How to recognize a quality tea


There are several thousand varieties, in sachet, in bulk, in powder, it is perfect. Unfortunately, they have been transformed and impacted.
In this article we give you some essential points to learn how to recognize a quality tea

Leaves: aspects and freshness h2>The very first one chose to look at these are the leaves (for loose tea)! The leaves will speak for themselves. Here are the points to check:- Whole leaves will be of better quality than cut or broken leaves- They should not crumble to the touch, if they are too old and they are lost in flavor- The leaves must not have stems! If you see that it has not happened- Is the color uniform on all leaves? If it never happened, stop by.- Dust! If you see some traces of dust on those who have stayed too long in the content and should not be consumed

The scent of tea h2>When choosing a loose tea, there is a very strong chance that you want to smell before, and you are right! It is possible to recognize any quality, but do you comment?- The power of smell! Cost and quality are recognized by the power and richness of its scent. If you have trouble recognizing the flavors when you smell it, it means that you have lost in taste, go your way!- Read the list of ingredients and try to recognize the artificial flavors. If you use the chemical coder, it can be heavily transformed.

The taste of tea h2>Surely the most important, the taste of tea! It was probably essential things! If you do not taste your flavors that have been compounded, be it too much, they are very acidic, they are very safe, they are very fresh and lost in quality.Did you know for example that QUALITY black tea even infused 15 minutes will never be bitter! If so, do not drink it.

What are the factors that can affect the quality of tea? h2>

The culture h3>The methods of cultivation of these methods are essential to guarantee a good quality of the tea.The weather also has an important role, even it is difficult to predict a mild weather will be synonymous with quality tea!

The harvest h3>The harvest is of course very important, a manual harvest will be sweet for the leaves and more respectful. It is therefore preferable to choose a name on which is written "pick at home".

The transformation h3>How to oxidize, dry and store the impact on quality.

The preparation h3>Finally the preparation! As we do in this article, be careful not to overheat the water at the risk of burning the leaves, and not to infuse more than what is indicated!

Gift ideas for Mother's Day


Mother's Day, we're almost there! Are you starting from people who never have gift ideas for your mom? Do not panic, even if we all want to spoil our moms we are very numerous in this case! For this we have prepared a small list of gifts to please your moms!

Offer a subscription of Tea T∙Surprise! H2>What if you offer a gift that lasts? Mother's Day should be celebrated every month, do not you think? So we offer THE perfect gift, finished noodle necklaces, this year be original bet on tea!T∙Surprise offers you to subscribe to our tea boxes! Starting at $ 25 per month for a monthly subscription, $ 75 for 3 months, $ 125 for 6 months or $ 250 for 12 months! A gift that extends to the year and moreover filled with surprise you will enjoy for sure! To offer a subscription it's by [here]( will also find something to offer your mom on our online store which is full of delicious tea but also previous boxes that have been your favorites!To visit the shop, appointment [here](

A little sweetness and delicacy for your moms h2> In the same principle as the T∙Surprise tins, offer a subscription for a candy box! Who has not dreamed of receiving every month a box full of sweet sweetness?The candy box offers 3 types of subscriptions:- 3 months for 75 $- 6 months for $ 144- month for $ 270Each box contains 1kg of candies and delivery is free in Quebec!In addition, at the candy box everything is customizable! Visit [site]( and contact them quickly for more information!

Relax and rest, a real gift for your moms! H2>Our moms do everything, they think about everything and manage thousands of things at once! It is rare for a mother to rest her brain even for a few hours! And if you helped him? For Mother's Day, treat yourself to a day at the spa! In Quebec, the SPAs are not lacking, there is certainly one very close to you!If you are in the corner of Rawdon, (Quebec) the SPA La Source Nordic Baths offers different packages perfect for a relaxing time! Body, facial, massage therapy 60 or 90 minutes you can choose the gift package that will please you the most! Visit the [site]( to learn more

Jewelry for your mom! H2>Always in the theme of subscriptions and once again Made in Québec, L'Horloger - The Jewelry Box offers you subscriptions to jewelery boxes! Is not it a perfect gift? It is always a pleasure to receive beautiful jewels, and with the summer season that is set up, we still want to wear some!The concept and types of subscriptions:Description of the gift ideaThe Classic: The Classic is the elegant and active woman.- 1 Month Subscription - $ 24.99- 3 month subscription - $ 23.99 x 3- 6 months subscription - $ 22.99 x 6- 12 months subscription - $ 21.99 x 12La Québécoise: The Québécoise is cultivated and engaged by the knowledge of her province.- 1 Month Subscription - $ 52.99- 3 Months Subscription - $ 49.99 x 3- Subscription 6 months - $ 47.99 x 6- 12 months subscription - $ 45.99 x 12The Casual: The Casual is the woman who likes to dare. Bohemian, comfortable and free, this modern woman inspires beauty and well-being.- 1 Month Subscription - $ 24.99- 3 month subscription - $ 23.99 x 3- 6 months subscription - $ 22.99 x 6- 12 months subscription - $ 21.99 x 12Visit [site]( to choose the subscription of your choice!

How to make your own tea mixes

Are you a fan of "Do it yourself"? We yes! So why not try creating your own blends from tea and flavors that you like? Nothing is easier, just get the right basic words and especially let your imagination run wild! Do you like the idea? So read quickly this article!

Making tea loose at home: Step 1 h2>![make-the-house.jpg]( you get into making your own **in bulk**, here are some basic reminders!The absorbs very quickly the odors that can easily alter its taste. It is important to bring **airtight containers** in which you can and put your mixes.Also prefer medium size containers so you do not waste too much tea!

Choosing the right basic tea h3>First of all, to make your own mixes you have to choose a good **basic tea**! Choose the one that seems most appropriate to you according to your desires. This is a good choice. On the contrary, your goal is to give you a hand then **green and black teas** will be more appropriate.You like to add it, **green tea, black tea, whitetea, Roobois** ...... to you to choose the one that will suit the best, do not hesitate to read this article. varieties of teas] ( you opt for a green tea, it is particularly interesting to see its sheets in large format.For black tea, an assam will be perfect and for herbal teas a **nature rooibos** will do the trick.

Which ingredients to choose for a good flavored tea? h2>![prepare-son-the.jpg]( be honest, there are no bad or good ingredients, but there is nothing else to say.

Spices h3>- For tea: cardamom, pink pepper, cocoa, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon,- For Chinese green tea: lemongrass, ginger, mint, chai- For white tea: flowers, mint, rose, violet, vanilla,- For rooibos: spices, ginger, mint, hibiscus, mate ...

Here is a list of flowers and spices to inspire you h4>- lavender- cinnamon- chamomile- Star anise- Dried hibiscus leaves- cloves- badiane- Vanilla pod- Thyme- Ginger- Violets- Jasmine- Verbena

Berries and sweets h3>There are no restrictions, on the contrary! Go according to your desires, but here are those who can advise you:- Apples- Pineapple- Coconut- Marigold petals- Dried mango- Dried lemon- Cranberry- Papaya- Fisheries- Oranges- Raspberries- Strawberries- Cornflower- Cassis- etc

Perfect recipe idea for a summer tea h2>![the-ice.jpg]('s a very easy-to-use recipe idea that you can eat both hot and cold, and decline if you want!- 100 g Assam black tea or green tea or Roobois (herbal tea)- 30 g dried berries: pineapple, apple, raspberries, cherries and mangos- 5 g dried coconut- Some rose petals to enhance the taste and smellDo not forget this is an example of a recipe but you can simply create one totally totally adapted to your tastes!Feel free to share your recipes with us, we are very curious to discover new recipes and flavors!See you soon.

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